


We all have to face the raw truth… addiction is real bondage and breaking free can seem almost impossible but read this post to the end

I know how it really feels to be addicted to the wrong things and I’m going to share with you my personal experience

Now, every negative addiction is more of a spiritual thing than it is a physical thing,every addiction is tied to a spiritual disfunction,breaking free spiritually should be the main focus because as we all know “the spiritual controls the physical”

When i received christ into my life,i really struggled with masturbation,I know this is not what anyone would like to share,but I really did…

Just imagine after  feeding on God’s word then going back to masturbate,just imagine after blasting in tongues and then picking up your phone and you end up masturbating,no matter how hard you try not to….I understand what you feel because I was once there.

Breaking free from masturbation and other addictions is completely possible with the help of the holy spirit,the Bible says that nothing is impossible with God…

So the first step is to receive the holy spirit,the spirit gradually kills every negative desires and substitutes it with his desires,you can receive the holy spirit by simply asking for it from God and having faith that you have received him.After that is done then move on to the next step;


Many people have trivialized the power in the God’s word,we have become too familiar with God’s word that it has lost its power in our life.

But if you really want to break free from that addiction,then you must equip your spirit with the word of God. Remember Jesus said “the words i speak unto you are spirit and they are life”… that book that you refer to as ‘story book’ is actually a living book,so the more you consume it,the more you become living and the more you feed on the spirit contained in it…and that’s exactly what you need, you must become living inorder for that desire or addiction to die. Feed on the word of God, spend time on his word,receive revelations from the word and in everything,make sure to put the word into practice and gradually enjoy transformation and freedom.


Prayer and fasting is a very important tool that must be looked into if you really want to break away from any addiction.

Jesus said “this kind goeth not without prayer and fasting”,so you must understand that certain spirits or addictions are just too stubborn to leave and must be flogged out with prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting helps us die to the flesh,and until the flesh is dead to a certain extent then we cannot enjoy that victory that God promised us.

Prayer and fasting put the spirit in charge of your whole being…Go for prayer,go for fasting,spend time in fellowshipping with God,kill that addiction by uttering those power filled tongues that has been stored in your spirit man, create time to pray by speaking in tongues through the help of the holy spirit,kill every negative desire by starving it,you must fast inorder to starve it and watch it die


This is a very important part that must be looked into. One of the things you need inorder to break free is “revelation”….

I successfully broke free from masturbation through a revelation i received from a friend,and I’m going to share that revelation with you…

“Now every student is taught by a teacher and a time comes when such a student is faced with examinations,a student can’t move to the next class or level without facing an examination, examinations are pathways to greater levels…this principle also apply to a christian…now, whenever that urge to masturbate or fall into addictions comes,just have it at the back of your mind that you are being faced with an examination that you must pass in order to get into the next level in God unless you are going to repeat,keep on saying this to yourself while you resist yourself from falling”.

If you succeed in conquering that addiction through this revelation,then next time that urge comes,it will come with a lesser force… continue doing this and enjoy freedom


follow this steps and enjoy freedom in Christ,if this can work for me,then I believe it can work for you also.

And lastly, avoid every form of temptation,avoid those things that will make you become a slave to your addictions….it will be foolishness for a person to give himself to pornographic activities and still complain of masturbation,it won’t be wise for you to give yourself to those things that promote that addiction, it’s like tempting the devil to tempt you. Run away from things that will make you fall for those addictions…the Bible said “wisdom is profitable to direct”,it’s not enough to possess wisdom,let that wisdom also direct you.

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